Susan Bodnik

How to Write a User Manual With Clear Instructions

Learning how to write a user manual is an important skill in technical writing. If you have ever read a manual, you were probably looking for the answer to a question or a series of questions. Poorly written manuals offer confusing information that leaves users with more questions than answers. […]

Learn how to write a user manual with clear instructions

Writing Business Letter

How To Write a Professional Business Letter – Part 2

In the first article in this series on writing professional business letters, I discussed how business professionals should focus on the needs of the reader. In this article, I’ll write about another important aspect of business communication: using the right tone. Speakers or writers reflect their attitude to the listener […]

How To Write a Professional Business Letter – Part 1

  This article on business letters is the first in a series. The ability to write effective business communications is an important skill for all business professionals. The hints and suggestions in these articles for writing a professional business letter will help you to take your business writing skills from blah to […]

Writing a professional business letter

Keywords for SEO

Using Keywords for On Site SEO

  If you want to drive more traffic to your website, you need to have a good understanding of how to use keywords for on site SEO. If you are able to determine the best keywords for your website, and then use these keywords in the right places in your […]

My Recommended Image Optimizer Software

Image editors like Adobe Photoshop have great tools for optimizing images. But there are also free online tools that allow you to quickly optimize your images. Optimizing images improves the quality of your website by reducing page load times and improving the visitor’s user experience. Keeping your pages lean and fast will […]

Image Optimize software for faster image loading

XML basics for technical writers

XML Training Courses – Basics for Technical Writers

It’s no news that there is demand for technical writers with XML experience, but precisely what might one be expected to know? As a technical writer working with XML, you will be expected to be able to author and publish XML documents. You will also need to have at least […]

Mentored Learning: The Instructor’s View

What does ‘mentored learning’ actually mean for an instructor in an online course? Is this very different from an instructor who teaches in the classroom? Is it difficult to provide student support in an online environment? As an instructor and the instructor coordinator for, I thought it would be […]


online learning

What is Mentored Learning?

There are many different types of online education courses. They range from downloadable self-paced courses to real-time, instructor-led courses. And while most people can understand each end of this spectrum, it is in the middle ground where most of the confusion lies. The middle ground is loosely called ‘mentored learning’. […]

Technical Writing and Learning DITA

The production of technical documents such as user manuals is constantly evolving as new technologies become available. Consumers are able to access information in many different forms, including websites, support forums, knowledge base systems, FAQs, and many more. Learning DITA can help writers to meet the challenges of producing technical […]


single source

Single Sourcing

  The delivery of information is becoming more complex as information must adapt to new technologies for content delivery. Information is being delivered in many different formats and for different audiences. If you are looking for a solution to the problem of delivering content in multiple outputs for different audiences, […]