Our instructor-led courses offer the convenience of learning on your own with instructor support and feedback when you need it. Here is a step-by-step description of how a course works from registration to final completion.
After you sign up for a course, you receive your login information that allows you to immediately access your course. Each course includes the following:
- Course materials containing readings, quizzes, and assignments
- Instructor support and guidance
- Discussion forum for posting messages
- Optional text or audio chat sessions
- Course calendar for readings and assignments
- Download center to download course materials
First day of class
On the first day of class, or a few days before class, instructors post their opening comments to the course home page. The comments are updated as the course progresses from week-to-week.
Your course home page includes the course materials, links to any required software, a schedule of readings, and a list of due dates for assignments and tests.
Flexible Learning
You can work through the reading materials whenever, wherever, and however you like (e.g. online or offline, at home or at work). You will read through a series of lessons and then complete an assignment by a due date.Then you receive feedback from the instructor. This same process is repeated until the course is completed.
Nothing beats being able to study on your own schedule!

Course Communication
While completing your readings, you may have questions. We provide several ways for you to get the answers:
- Email – At any time, you can contact the instructor via email for one-on-one assistance.
- Discussion Forum – At any time, you can post a question to the class via the discussion Forum.
- Audio or Text Chat Sessions – These optional sessions are held usually every one, two or three weeks.
Assignment Feedback
The assignments give you the opportunity to practice and apply the concepts that you have read about in the course materials.
Our instructors mark the assignments and provide feedback. They make suggestions on how to improve the final product so that you learn from the experience and can apply the learning to future assignments. We believe that instructor access and assignment feedback are the fundamental value of our courses.
Course Completion
In order to pass a course, you have to submit all of the assignments and obtain an overall mark of 75%. After you complete the course, you can download your certificate of completion.